Soldiers will taste millet, jowar and ragi after half a century

- Army's initiative on International Year of Millets, thick grains will become part of daily food - Permission sought from the government to buy millet up to 25 percent of the logistics

Soldiers will taste millet, jowar and ragi after half a century

Military officers and employees of the country will once again be able to taste the taste of coarse and traditional coarse grains after almost half a century. Taking an initiative on the occasion of the International Year of Millets, the Army has decided to include flour prepared from millets in the diet given to soldiers. About fifty years ago, in order to promote wheat flour, the supply of coarse grain flour was stopped in army logistics.

The army has now sought permission from the central government to include coarse grain flour up to 25 percent of the total quantity of rice and wheat flour in the food grains provided to soldiers from the next financial year.

According to the Ministry of Defence, the government's procurement and distribution of coarse grains will be based on the choice of the grain being used and the demand for its fixed quantity. Three popular varieties of millet flour, viz. Bajra, Jowar and Ragi will be made available to the soldiers keeping in mind their preference so that it can be made a part of the daily diet. Along with this, the army has also made preparations for the availability of coarse-grain flour. Food items made from coarse cereals are being put up for sale in the CSD canteen. Along with this, dedicated corners are being set up in the shopping complex for their sale.

Army has issued an advisory to use Millet extensively in large-scale events and big meals to promote coarse grains. Emphasis has been laid on providing quality coarse-grain foods and light snacks to the soldiers posted on the northern borders of the country. Also, centralized training is being provided to the cooks to prepare healthy, tasty and nutritious dishes from millet. The army has said that the coarse grain is now being made an integral part of the daily diet for all ranks in the army. This will prove to be an important step in increasing the satisfaction and morale of the soldiers.

In the Global Millet Conference held in Delhi on March 18, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, while emphasizing the promotion of coarse grains, said that India is constantly trying to promote coarse grains (SriAnn) at the global level. In the country too, the share of coarse grains is only five to six percent. Collective efforts will have to be made to increase it. After this, the army announced to make millet 25 percent of its logistics material.