Elon Musk's Uturn, Twitter accounts of journalists will be restored

Twitter owner Elon Musk has said in his latest update that he will restore the Twitter accounts of several journalists who were suspended after Musk accused them of endangering his family. Earlier, the United Nations and the European Union had also expressed concern over the suspension of journalists' accounts.

Elon Musk's Uturn, Twitter accounts of journalists will be restored

Musk wrote in a new tweet, 'The people have spoken. The suspension of the accounts that docked my location will now be lifted. Earlier, he responded to people criticizing him after the accounts of several journalists were suspended. On Twitter, Musk responded with sarcasm, writing, "It's so inspiring to see the new love of freedom of expression by the press."

The European Union warned Musk that Twitter could be subject to sanctions under future media legislation. The news about the arbitrary suspension of journalists on Twitter is worrying, EU Commissioner Vera Jourova posted on Twitter. The EU Digital Services Act requires respect for media freedom and fundamental rights. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed concern that he was deeply troubled by the suspension of journalists from Twitter.

Twitter updated its policy this week, saying it would remove any tweet or account that shared someone's live location. Humanitarian efforts to help or public programs will be exempt from these. Many of the prominent journalists whose accounts were suspended used a Twitter account tracking Musk's private jet.

Musk tweeted a poll asking users whether to cancel accounts that docked my exact location in real-time, now or in seven days. There were 36,90,639 votes on this and about 59 percent of the users voted in favour of 'Abhi'.