America's protests reached America, 200 people raise slogans of Free China near White House

Protests in China for some time have now reached America. Recently, slogans were raised in support of China's independence in the US capital.

America's protests reached America, 200 people raise slogans of Free China near White House

Protests against the strict lockdown imposed in China due to government policies and corona gained momentum when the government refused to accept the demands of the public. Protests against Chinese President Xi Jinping in large numbers intensified from 25 November. People also raised the demand for China's independence from Jinping. Some people died due to these protests and many were seriously injured. Although a few days later, the government relaxed the strict lockdown imposed due to Corona, the impact of the protests has not diminished. Now, this protest has reached America.

The capital of the United States of America, the capital of Washington DC, was located a short distance from the White House, about 200 people late on Sunday, about 200 people gathered late in the night and demonstrated in support of protests in China. They demonstrated in support of protests in China by burning candles, posing posters against Jinping and raising slogans of "Free China". Also used white balloons.

In this demonstration near the White House, people fiercely opposed the Chinese President Jinping. Describing Jinping as a dictator, he called the voice of the people wrong. Talking about this, a Chinese student studying in America said, "Earlier I did not take these issues seriously, because they did not matter to me. But not anymore. The Covid policy in China is not right. I am in a country where there is "Freedom and Speech" and I will definitely speak to protect my rights. " Another person involved in the demonstration said, "I have been inspired by the young and courageous people of China for this performance. If they can raise their voice, why not we?"